Posted by: bellissimanh | February 17, 2009

Making it Personal – Zephaniah 3:17

“The Lord Your God is with you; He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you; He will quiet you with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zeph. 3:17

The Lord Your God – He is MY God… He is MY Lord. This means that I ascribe to Him all the glory and majesty due Him. He is sovereign, and in control of everything, including my very life…


is with you – He is right here with me… in the midst of my presence, experiencing whatever it is I go through with me… He holds my hand every step of the way and carries me when I cannot walk ahead on my own… even when He seems silent, He is there.

He is mighty – He is all powerful and capable of anything He desires to do…

to save – He is the God who rescues me… He is my victor… He saves me from my sin and from myself… He is a warrior who keeps me safe… He keeps me set apart for His glory… for His purpose. He redeems all things, even my mistakes and hardships. He has engraved me on the palm of His hands, so great is His love for me.

He will take great delight – He will enjoy… find pleasure…

in you – in ME… sorry soul that I am, with all of my faults… He loves me still. I am the apple of His eye…

He will quiet you – He will give me rest… He will bring peace to my soul… He will calm my fears and anxieties…

with His love – Knowing that He loves me and is caring for me is like a balm to my spirit… His love for me reassures me that I am worthy and special to Him…

He will rejoice – He will celebrate… be thrilled… be overjoyed…

over you – Because of ME… because He deems me as precious…

with singing –  My God SINGS for me!!! How incredible is that? As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so my Lord sings over me a love song so pure and sweet it can only be measured by heaven’s standards. Unfathomable. Utterly.


Please pray for my sweet friend Lisa today, and for her family. Her father, Walter, has been life-flighted to Maine Medical Center after suffering a stroke and doctors have determined there is bleeding in his brain. Pray for the Lord’s will in healing Walter, and for the family – for peace, strength, courage and comfort. Thank you!


  1. I love when you break down scripture like this in your blog! It just sets my Spirit to dancing (which is saying alot for a Baptist) 🙂

    This has been such an encouragement to me this morning. I receive every word of it!

    Blessings dear friend!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful post!! I just love that verse. I think it might definitely have to be a memory verse!!


  3. Hey there… don’t know me, I stumbled across your blog, or perhaps God just brought me to it. Thank you so much for your insight, it really speaks to my heart and nurishes my soul today. I’ll be praying for your friend Lisa as well, a year ago, I sat with my friend at Maine Medical Center, whose husband had just succumbed to a brain bleed as well. There she was pregnant with baby #8 (born a week later) and her beloved had just died. So not only am I touched by and nurtured through your gifts and insight, but I am reminded to not take life for granted. God Bless…

  4. Heather, I love the way you broke down the scripture. This verse in Zephaniah is one of my alltime favorites.

    I will be praying for Lisa and her father. I am in the process of putting a prayer page on m blog. Should be in place this weekend. I hope that you will stop by – it will be for things like this so I can begin to pray right away and others can also.

    In Him,

  5. Thank you for your blog. Someone special shared this verse with me and it is even more special reading your interpretation of it. Thank you and God Bless You!

  6. Reblogged this on GIRL PLEASE! GOD GOT THIS.

  7. A friend of mine emailed me this verse Zephaniah 3:17 and I couldn’t figure out the meaning. Thanks for your commentary on the same. God bless you.

  8. Heather, Could I have your permission to copy your Zephaniah 3:17 blog from 2009 to include on the back of our church bulletin? It is so beautifully written. I would give you credit for writing it.

  9. Dear Heather, I am attending a women’s conference soon and was wondering if I could share what you have written on Zephaniah 3:17 – making it personal

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