Posted by: bellissimanh | December 30, 2018

In the Dusty Morning Light

dustI was standing at my kitchen counter the other morning, waiting on my coffee to brew, and there was brilliant sunshine coming through the window. Even though things were very still, as I observed the shaft of light beaming down on my counter, I could see a bunch of dust particles floating in the air in front of me. I found myself thinking about how illuminating those rays of sunshine coming through the window were. If the day had been gray, and I had to rely on only my kitchen light, those dust particles wouldn’t have been visible. I wouldn’t have seen them or given them a second thought, even though they’re there, and I’m breathing them in constantly… but with the sun streaming through the kitchen, there they were – plain as day. It made me want to grab the air purifier from my bedroom and plug it into the outlet by the coffee maker!


The Bible talks about light quite a bit. Jesus called Himself the Light of the World (John 8:12) and said that whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life. Psalm 119:105 says that God’s Word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path.


I love the way the physical is so often a picture of the spiritual. There is a whole lot of junk (read: SIN) in my life (dust particles, if you will) that often goes unnoticed. If I don’t see it, then it just gets to stay there. By the time it becomes visible, there is a massive layer of yucky stuff that has to be addressed. But when I consistently spend time in God’s Word, His light shines on the ugliness in my heart and He helps me to see the things that need to change, and how we can clean it up – together. The very nature of light is that it shatters the darkness around it.

What has God been teaching you lately? Has He used some common place thing in your life to make a point, or give you a beautiful illustration of His truth? I’d love to hear it!

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